The main idea of this proposal is to reveal the creative spirit of the writer W. B. Yeats for architectural – installation tools, to help the reader to better understand the writer’s magic of expression and to enhance the power of books. This is why the book itself is chosen as inspiration – the lightness of its pages and the weight of its contents (thought). The motif of the book helps to reveal the poetic interpretation of The Lake Isle of Innisfree.
The installation will invite to discover the writer’s vision reinvigorated by modern means of expression and to find time for a book, for which there seems to be so little time these days.
The overall structure consists of a main square with swings and individual reading/meditation spaces in accordance to Yeats’ small cabin idea, scattered in a satellite pattern. An important element – book exchange boxes – are boxes in the shape of nesting-boxes, which will contain literature to pick up and read.
The installation will remain meaningful when moved to the Sligo campus – it will spread the creative grandeur of W. B. Yeats’ work, will remind of reading and books, will invite to share literary experiences. In the book-boxes, book exchanges will take place – like a literary surprise – you cannot know what you will find to read, but you can offer good literature by placing your own book.
The conceptual interpretation of W. B. Yeats’ work is a narration of timeless values in a contemporary vocabulary.
The Island of Innisfree will be accessible by boat, as it is now. Disembarkation is anticipated to take place in the square – where a designed information annotation will stand, with a short W. B. Yeats’ biography and the description of the installation. In the square, book-boxes inlaid with waterproof surfaces are planned, in which the printed works of W. B. Yeats will be placed. The main element – the swings – are meant for the admiration of the beautiful surroundings of the Laugh Gill and Innisfree, celebrated by the poet, as well as reading. This square and swings are like an auditorium intended for seminars or creative workshops related to W. B. Yeats and other literature, therefore children and students, who seek the joy of discovery, are welcome (groups of 12 people).
Alongside the square, behind a screen, a temporary BIO-WC will be installed.
In the depths of the island, alondgside the designed Yeats‘ cabins, there will be small pavillions in the shape of a lodge, designed for reading and meditation. Beside each one a book-box is planned.
After the installation will be moved to the Sligo campus, it will become an element of public space, but it will not loose its initial idea. It is offered that exchange of various literature could take place in the book-boxes, while the square will become a place for romantic and interesting meetings.
One of the most important aspects is the sensitivity of heritage protection and ecological contexts. The location and its resources are protected by more than one document of the strictest regime. This is why, valuing and supporting this, the suggested solutions are sensitive with regards to the surroundings and history of the site. The structure is fairly autonomous, the largest part of it will be constructed on water, so showing respect to the heritage protection and ecological value of Innisfree.
For the structure, natural materials found in nature are chosen – wood and metal. No chemical materials will be used during the installation – glue, concrete or paint, so avoiding any chemical reactions. Diesel generators are not used for the installation, only electrically charged tools, so also avoiding the risk of oil or grease leakage into the environment. There will be no damaging effect to the environment done after the dismantling of the installation.
All elements of the installation are produced in workshops and only assembled in the island. All of the joints – screws. No “wet” work is planned (gluing, concreting, painting). A modest assortment of materials is used – impregnated wood and powder coated black metal tubes (diameter of 30 mm). Decorative lights, powered by solar energy, are attached to vertical metal tubes.
The structural principle of the square is analogic to a wooden terrace, the layout of which is half in water and half on the shore. The part submerged in water floats on segmented pontoons and is attached to the island with the other end. The construction of the floors is made of wooden beams and softwood corrugated terrace boards laid across the constructions. The structure of the swings is made of round-profile painted metal pipes and the armchairs are made out of plywood. Lights, powered by solar energy, are planned.
The base of the cabin are terrace boards on wooden beams, installed on a prepared horizontal surface (formed out of stones found on location). The tracery of the cabin facades is made out of bent circular cross section metal pipes reinforcing each other. The plywood armchair is fastened with rope. Illuminators are fortified by planting into the ground.
The box is made out of glue laminated timber with opening. The metal leg is planted into the ground (when moved to the Slingo campus, it would be possible to fortify on paving blocks).
The lamp is reinforced on a circular cross section metal tube. Power source – solar energy. In the square they are mounted on wooden coverings and are planted into the ground on the island.
The Yeats 2015 installation is designed so that no production work would have to be done on the island. All of the components are prepared in the workshops and only assembled on the island. The constructions are light, so that they could be easily transported by boat. The assembly of the square construction is planned on the pontoons on the Sligo side, to be then transported to Innisfree. No special materials or products, which would not be purchasable in the local market, are predicted in the project.
The dimensions of the construction elements are easily transported by any simple carrier and human resources are enough to lift, carry or assemble.